Friday, September 25, 2020

Nine Emperor Gods Festival - All About The What, Who, Why, When and Where of this Festival

What is the Nine Emperor Gods Festival?

The Nine Emperor Gods Festival (九皇爷诞) is a popular festival celebrated in South East Asia, particularly in areas that are the focal points of the Southern Chinese diaspora, like Phuket in Southern Thailand, Penang and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, Singapore and certain areas of Indonesia.

This festival is sometimes known as Vegetarian Festival or Tesagan Gin Je in Thailand. Interestingly, this festival does not exist in Mainland China or Taiwan, and is distinctive to the Chinese diaspora outside China. Unique to this festival is the 9 day duration (10 days if you include activities on the eve of the festival), and devotees that wear white and use white or yellow candles and joss-sticks to pray instead of the usual red ones.

A lantern with nine lamps (高燈 or 九曲燈 - pic below) is raised on the eve of the festival to inform the gods that the celebration is happening at the location and an invitation ceremony, that is usually very festive, to invite the Nine Emperor Gods from a body of water usually happens later that day.

Nine lamp lantern (高燈/九曲燈) raised during Nine Emperor Gods Festival

At the end of the festival, the Nine Emperor Gods are sent off back to the body of water that they were invited from, usually with another procession consisting of priest, mediums and devotees.

Ampang Nine Emperor Gods Festival prayer

Who are the Nine Emperor Gods (九皇爺 / 九皇大帝)?

The exact origin of the Nine Emperor Gods (九皇大帝) worshiped is unclear, and there are many versions of the origin of this worship. The practice seems to be an amalgamated practice of Taoist Li Dou (Big Dipper Prayer) mixed in with folk spirit worship.

The Nine Emperor Gods are sometimes said to be the nine sons of Dou Mu (斗母), the Mother Goddess of the Taoist pantheon and hence a lot of Nine Emperor Gods temples are called Dou Mu Gong (斗母宮) - literally the Mother of Dipper Star Palace. There is also the version that associates the Nine Emperor Gods with nine Ming Dynasty heroes who fought to overthrow the Qing Dynasty that were beheaded.

In some places like Ampang, there is another version linking the Nine Emperor Gods as a product of the secret society (Hong Secret Society - 洪門會) trying to hide their activities from the law. Regardless of which story you believe in, the worship of Nine Emperor Gods are very popular with the local devotees and their efficacy in answering prayers attested to.

Why do people worship these Nine Emperor Gods?

Whilst there are many (muddled) versions of how this festival started, it all points down to being able to seek help from a higher source to help them with their lives. The festival is a chance for them to pray for a better future, or to purify themselves by participating in rituals associated with this festival such as bridge crossing and fire-walking. Also one can engage Taoist priest to conduct luck opening or luck increasing ceremonies during this festival which is said to be very efficacious.

When does this festival happen?

This festival is celebrated from the 1st day to the 9th day of the 9th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar. The dates usually fall around late Sept to mid Oct in the Gregorian calendar. Bear in mind that the festival actually starts on the eve of the celebration with the nine lamp lantern pole raising.
  • In 2020 - 17th till the 25th of October.
  • In 2021 - 4th till the 13th of October.
  • In 2022 - 24th of September till the 3rd of October.

Where can I read up more about this festival?

What is this 'Zhai' (斋) banner that I see on food stalls all about?

During this festival, one will surely not miss the yellow coloured banner with the character 斋 (zhai), usually in red. On the surface, this 'zhai' seems to represent the food ie vegetarianism that is associated with this festival, but in actual fact the Chinese character means abstinence or fast. So what do the devotees supposedly fast from?
  1. Meat/animal products including dairy and eggs ( this includes wearing leather garments/items)
  2. Five pungent root vegetables (onion, garlic, leek, garlic chives, spring onion) - although some only abstain from garlic.
  3. Alcohol (allowed in some places, especially where beer companies sponsor the temple banners).
  4. Sexual contact.
  5. Negative actions, feelings and thoughts.
Hence the food that is sold for this festival is more akin to vegan food (minus the pungent vegetables) than just being vegetarian. Also the cooking utensils and eating cutlery must also be clean and have not come in contact with animal/meat products.

In reality, this festival is not just about the food being 'pure', but  the other aspects of the abstinence should be practiced in order to achieve the purification and blessings associated with the festival.

Who are the half naked guys in costumes running around?

Those are the spirit medium that are part and parcel of this celebration. During the invitation ceremony, they also serve to usher the spirit of the nine emperor gods to descend (besides the priest's incantations), and to conduct certain rituals for the benefit of the devotees which includes empowering talismans, fire-walking etc.

Spirit medium running across fire pit in Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2019

Why do these mediums self-immolate and take on bizarre body piercings?

One is to purify the space and also to protect the devotees. The blood shed from this immolation is a form of self-sacrifice, and since they are supposedly possessed by deities when doing so, the blood has protective power that can be used to clean a space, or empower talismans.

The bizarre and sometimes brutal piercing also serves to prove to devotees that they are indeed possessed by gods, as they appear to feel no pain, and the wound heal quickly once the piercings are removed.

Nine Emperor Gods Festival Jinjang 2015 - pierced spirit medium

When can you see these spirit mediums in action?

The deities are usually called upon to possess the mediums during rituals associated with the festival such as the lantern pole raising ceremony, the invitation ceremony, on certain days where they feed the heavenly armies that guards the temples, during processions to bless the area and devotees, and during rituals like bridge crossing or fire-walking.

Where does this festival happen?

Like they say, it is all about location, location, and location - basically wherever there are Nine Emperor Gods temple.

Phuket does the spirit mediums (as well as the festival) to the utmost intensity and fervor that is unmatched in other places. However if you are squeamish about brutal piercings, huge crowds and firecrackers going off at every corner, then Malaysia and Singapore are more suitable for you as a start to look into the festival.

Just look out for huge temple flags/banners or yellow lanterns set out along the roads leading to the temple, usually emblazoned with the Chinese words 九皇大帝 (Nine Emperor Gods) and you will be able to find them.

Yellow lanterns from Jinjang Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2018

Next post in my countdown to Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2020 series: Looking Back at Familiar Faces in Sacred Spaces - Countdown to Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2020

Take note that the festival this year (2020) will either be scaled down or cancelled altogether in many places due to the Covid-19 pandemic (click to read post - So Near Yet So Far - A Different Nine Emperor Gods Festival for 2020.)

Please check with the respective temples if they are holding the festival and if one can attend the various ceremonies that they carry out.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Nine Emperor Gods (九皇大帝) Festival 2020 - What to Expect This Year??

The Nine Emperor Gods Festival for 2020 falls on 16 Oct 2020 (eve) till 25 Oct 2020 (ninth day). So what can we expect of this year's celebration? How different would it be from previous years' celebration? Already many Nine Emperor Gods temples in Malaysia are announcing that they will scale down and only allow prayers for this festival, sans all the procession, trances, stalls and festivities associated with this festival.

Collection of 九皇大帝 talimans from Ampang Nine Emperor Gods Temple
From a devotee's point of view, many are feeling a little lost as some may have vowed to stay in the temple for nine days due to prayers being answered in the previous year, of which now they cannot fulfil this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Some having 'borrowed' money from the temple (ie borrowed luck or wealth from the gods) are asking will they still be able to come and repay the 'debt' this year. Will there be vegetarian food stalls open for those who usually get their vegetarian meals outside?

Whilst we are keeping our spirits high, there are still more questions than answers for this year's celebration.... but hopefully all will be better the next year.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Let's Start With a Trip Down Memory Lane - Countdown to Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2020

The Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2020 is less than a month away, (27 days away to be exact) ... So let's start the countdown to this year's Nine Emperor Gods Festival by looking back at last year's pics in anticipation that this year's festival will be starkly different due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Piercing at Si Thian Kong (西天宫 九皇爷) Nine Emperor Gods festival 2019
Cucuk... (Piercing). Thai mediums at Kuala Pilah Nine Emperor Gods Temple (Si Thian Kong)
undergo piercing for the festival parade in 2019.

See also my previous post - So Near Yet So Far - A Different Nine Emperor Gods Festival for 2020 for a short clip of Jinjang Nine Emperor Gods Festival in 2019.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

So Near Yet So Far - A Different Nine Emperor Gods Festival for 2020

Yes, it is only 30 more days before the Nine Emperor Gods Festivals 2020. Yet, this year the Nine Emperor Gods Festival will be different no doubt; as ever since the COVID-19 pandemic raged through the world, everything was different due to social distancing and crowd restrictions rules being imposed by governments.

In Malaysia, some temples have decided to scale down this year's celebration due to concerns of crowd control, whilst some are taking the more drastic decision to cancel the celebrations altogether. For the time being, all we can do is to look back at happier times and hope next year it will be back to normal...

So here's a short clip of scenes from Jinjang Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2019 for us to look back on and to keep us in high spirits as we count down to this year's Nine Emperor Gods celebration... with a difference!

When is this festival happening in 2020:

  • 1st day of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival - Saturday, 17th of October 2020

  • 9th day of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival - Sunday, 25th October 2020

Invitation ceremonies related to this festival usually happens in the evening or on the night of the eve of the festival, which is Friday, 16th October 2020.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Till We Meet Again - The End of the Hungry Ghost Month

As the Hungry Ghost Month for 2020 draws to a close, we bid farewell to the roadside offerings of food and joss paper, and of the taboos of the month... It was indeed a very different celebration this year under the 'New Normal', and I have only managed to see one large Phor Thor at Sunway Mentari (and even that was scaled down) when in previous years, the problem was more of trying to politely decline friends' invitation to see and shoot the Phor Thor in their area.
Of course the best part of a Phor Thor or large Hungry Ghost celebration, besides the prayers, food offerings and trances is the burning of the King of Hades (Da Shi Yeh) to send him and his officials off, together with all the joss paper and spirit tablets of the departed at the end of the celebration. Picture below is the Da Shi Yeh from Sunway Mentari Phor Thor catching fire as they set him alight on the last night of their celebration.

Burning of Da Shi Yeh effigy at the end of hungry ghost celebration
So hopefully next year thing will be back to normal, and we shall be able to attend more large Hungry Ghost Phor Thor celebrations... 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Final Prayer - Hungry Ghost Festival 2020

These are the scenes of the final prayer session for the Sunway Mentari Hungry Ghost Festival, before sending the King of Hades (Da Shi Yeh) and his retinue off in a big bonfire. Whenever a large Phor Thor (Hungry Ghost) celebration is conducted ie with the King of Hades, his retinue and the various paper effigies, this prayer is always done at the end of the celebration and depending on the priest and how elaborate the procedure is, can take up to two or three hours before it is completed and the paper effigies and joss paper can then be dispatched in a big bonfire.

Da Shi Yeh altar at Sunway Mentari Hungry Ghost 2020
It is all about food... and it's finger licking good too...

Joss money
Money makes the world go round - Joss money and 'daily necessities' for the hungry ghost.

Taoist priest during hungry ghost month prayer
It is in the hands - The priest performing ritual to feed the hungry ghost...

Hungry ghost prayer
Tossing joss paper money for the spirits ...

Moving King of Hades for the send off
Moving the Da Shi Yeh (King of Hades) effigy and his retinue to be burnt at the end of
the ceremony.

The focus of this final prayers before the the send-off is all about feeding the wandering spirits, ensuring they have food, joss money and whatever they need in their realm, and then asking all of them to take leave, including the King of Hades and his retinue, plus all of the ancestor spirits that has benefited from this celebration.

Monday, September 07, 2020

Faces of Hungry Ghost Festival - the Taoist Priest

Featured here is a Taoist priest conducting a prayer at a Hungry Ghost Festival in Malaysia, whereby food and even coins on the altar are distributed and tossed to the devotees after being offered to the spirits. And no, he didn't throw the pineapple, but merely passed it to one of the devotees standing nearby. I was hoping he would...

Priest conducting prayers for Hungry Ghost Festival
Taoist priest on the altar performing prayers to feed the hungry ghost during Ghost Month
Celebration at Sunway Mentari.

In some Cantonese speaking areas, Taoist priest are sometimes called Nam Mo Lou (喃嘸佬 - Jyut Ping: Naam4 Mou4 Lou2). This is a colloquial term used for a Taoist priest, especially one who performs prayers for the salvation of the deceased or spirits. The term is in fact incorrect as the origin of the phrase Nam Mo is a term from Buddhist text (Na Mo - meaning homage to}, whereas those priest are Taoist. However in many Asian and South East Asian countries, they are colloquially being referred to as such despite being a misnomer (and also disrespectful) for their profession.

Saturday, September 05, 2020

Women of Nepal

The streets of Kathmandu and more so in the surrounding suburbs can be very rewarding to the photographer, especially if you love catching street and environmental portraits. As you walk along the area, you will notice quite a few locals work at their doorstep, around the village square or the water source for the town. The women folk featured in this album were weaving carpet or spinning yarn at their doorstep, or in grandma's case, she was taking a break from a hard day's work. Their faces show it all; the hardship, the toil and joys of their life are all etched in their faces...

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

You Are Looking for Me??? - the King of Hades (大士爷) Effigy

(You are looking for me??? I am coming....)

This year, it is very hard to find large scale Hungry Ghost celebrations (also known as Phor Thor) in Malaysia due to the Covid-19 pandemic as we are still in the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) imposed by the government.

To be able to find a King of Hades or Da Shi Yeh (大士爷) effigy to photograph is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Luckily a friend informed me that at Sunway Mentari they will be holding their Hungry Ghost Festival as usual albeit in a small scale, complete with the King of Hades paper effigy.

The image is the reflection of the King of Hades effigy on a puddle of water on the road at Sunway Mentari Hungry Ghost Festival which is happening from the 1st to the 5th Sept 2020. Caught his reflection in a puddle of water on the road as if he is coming out from the Underworld...

And this is how the altar setup is like... Everything is there, the King of Hades, Tua Pek and Jee Pek, the Gold and Silver Mountain, ships for the souls to reach salvation (3 small ones)... paper house for the departed etc. although somewhat scaled down in size to fit in the praying location.

大士爷 Da Shi Ye
This is how the altar setup looks like at Sunway Mentari Phor Thor... all there but
scaled down to fit the location as they cannot hold big outdoor event under
the RMCO (Recovery Movement Control Order.

If you want to know more about the taboos during this festival, see my previous post about "Hungry Ghost Month Taboos..."

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Hungry Ghost Month Taboos...

There are many Chinese taboos associated with the Hungry Ghost month. Listed below are 13 of them and the apparent reason(s) for those taboos, as well as a lighthearted take on those reasons...

1. Don't go out at night...
You will bump into the wandering hungry ghost and either piss them off or they are attracted to you. If they are mad at you, then they will play pranks on you or sabotage what you do. If they like you, worst still.... you now have an invisible stalker. Imagine you having to make a police report that a 'hamsap' (perverted) ghost is stalking you... So no late night mamak eating trips or driving around okay...

2. Don't hang your laundry out in the open at night...
Ghost will be attracted to your laundry and stick to it, bringing negative energy to you when you wear your clothes.. Maybe it is the nice smelling laundry detergent you use or the softener?? Or maybe your laundry ain't clean enough and they have a smelly shirt/dress/underwear fetish?? 

3. Don't step or kick the offerings for the hungry ghost on the roadside...
The ghost will get angry if you disturb or kick their offerings... I guess if you go try and step on your family meal before they have eaten, or kick your friends/colleagues/parents/children dinner before they start eating or during their meal.... sure get whacked right??? So don't do it for goodness sake.

4. Do not step on the joss paper money offering on the roadside...
Stepping on their money is a sure way of pissing them off... If I see real money on the road, I will step on it and then bend down and pretend to tie my shoelaces before picking up the money, so I guess maybe the ghost thinks that you are after their moolah when you step on it.... which is bad.

5. Do not get married during the Hungry Ghost month...
They love ceremonies and parties that have candles and joss sticks and food. Also they might prank your wedding ceremony because they cannot be part of it or worst still, during the ceremony take up the same space as your partner... now you wonder which one did you marry huh, the human, the ghost or both???

6. Do not hold your wedding banquet during Hungry Ghost month....
If you had no choice and got married in the Hungry Ghost month, then for goodness sake do not hold your banquet dinner until the month is over... Why??? Food and tables and chairs and stage entertainment.... are you sure your banquet guest are all human or.... ghost???

7. No renovation during the Hungry Ghost month...
One reason is you disturb the peace and tranquility of the area and they don't like it. The other reason is if you had removed doors, windows, walls or roof, the ghosts can go in and hang about., and you are doomed if the job is done before the 7th month is over.... you sure 'sui' liao (badly jinxed) as the ghost might remain inside and you get a free 'maid' for the month.

8. No swimming especially at night during this month...
They are looking for another soul to replace their position and will pull you down to drown you. Now have you wondered if you piss when swimming or swim naked will they be scared off? Skinny dipping anyone?

9. If you are certain that you are walking alone, do not turn around or answer when someone calls your name...
Apparently humans have three 'flames' that protect one from being possessed, one on the forehead and one on each shoulder. So by quickly turning around the flames on the shoulders can be put off... At least I can tell my friends that I am a natural fire juggler.... If you need to turn around, slowly walk in a semi circle to face the other direction instead of swinging your head around. Hmmm, if I carry several fire torches, will that help??

10. Do not open an umbrella inside the house, or carry an open umbrella inside the house... 
It is believed that ghosts can and will hide under an opened umbrella to stay away from the sun (reminds me of someone who goes bleh bleh bleh; or they must be suffering from photosensitivity or are albino) and by bringing an open umbrella in or opening one inside your house, you allow them to go into the house via the umbrella. So is Rihanna referring to ghosts in her song Umbrella??? At least this proves that the umbrella is a versatile transportation device like how Mary Poppins uses it.

11. Do not stick chopsticks or eating utensils upright on rice or food not meant for the dead.... 
That is how food is offered to spirits. Then they will fight with you when you want to eat the food... see who can eat faster. Actually you don't do that all the time, not just during Hungry Ghost month. 

12. When you see seats set out in front of stages during the Hungry Ghost festival, never ever take the front row seats that are left empty for the ghosts...
Remember the Phantom of the Opera and what happened when they didn't leave Box 5 empty for him.... same thing if you try to take the front row seats. I would gladly leave the front row seats for them anyway... too near to the stage and neck pain to look up all the time at stage, plus speakers are too close and damaging to my eardrums... the best seats are somewhat in the middle, like in cinemas.

13. Never ever put a baby on the offering table at Hungry Ghost festival... or anything that you do not wish to offer to the spirits...
The spirits will think the baby is an offering item and proceed to consume it... Now how can anyone or anything eat a cute little baby??? Plus they piss and puke and shit everywhere... I imagine it wouldn't be the nicest piece of food to try and eat. I would rather go for the roast pig and chickens and ducks, won't you??

Click on these links to see my other posts about this festival in:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hungry Tonight??? - Hungry Ghost Festival under the New Normal

Hungry Ghost Festival 2020 is here... albeit more toned down due to COVID-19 pandemic

Hungry Ghost Festival has started on 19th August 2020... but this year you will probably notice that there are less almost no large scale festivities (Phor Thor Celebration) locally due to the coronavirus pandemic restrictions. The so called 'new normal' in which social distancing rules applies and no big gatherings being allowed has affected the traditional Phor Thor celebration... Gone are the stage shows (getai), Chinese opera shows and large tent up areas for this celebration.
However, prayers offered by the roadside for wandering hungry ghosts seems to be no less than the previous year. So beware, when you are out at night and walking alone.... you might just not be alone on the streets, something might be out there, watching you go by..... (see this post about the taboos during Hungry Ghost festival)

Friday, January 03, 2020

Teamwork - Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2020

Inflation of MyDeerling, a special shape balloon during Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2020

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Sending the Nine Emperor Gods Home - The End of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival at Ampang

As all good things must come to an end, so after nine frantic and energetic days of  trances, vegetarian meals, rituals and prayers the Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2019 comes to an end. Here at Ampang Nine Emperor Gods Temple, the Nine Emperor Gods was sent off at 3.30am in the wee hours of the morning on the tenth day of the festival. Whilst the crowd wasn't as large as the invitation ceremony (probably due to the ungodly hour), the atmosphere was still very much charged with the religious fervour of the festival.

Looking down at the entourage sending the Nine Emperor Gods off at Ampang
So long, farewell... devotees from Ampang Nine Emperor Gods Temple sending the Nine
Emperor Gods off at the end of the festival.

Exhausted and drained, it was a rather solemn and quiet affair as devotees escort the Nine Emperor Gods on the journey back to the river, and with hope and certainty that next year we will meet again...

5 bushel text, tea and yellow ribbon used in Nine Emperor Gods prayer

Dates for Nine Emperor Gods Festival in 2020:

  • Eve of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival - 16th October 2020
  • 1st Day of Nine Emperor Gods Festival - 17th October 2020
  • 9th Day of Nine Emperor Gods Festival - 25th October 2020

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Kuala Pilah Nine Emperor Gods Procession 2019 - Walking in the Rain

And we were walking in the rain... but the light drizzle eventually stopped as the procession began. The rain didn't dampen the spirits of the participants and also helped to make the night a cool and pleasant walk for the Nine Emperor Gods procession that meandered through the old parts of Kuala Pilah town.

Walking (or rather waiting...) in the rain... Participants of Kuala Pilah Nine Emperor Gods
Festival waiting for the signal to begin their annual procession.

Crossing the Fire Pit - Kuala Pilah Nine Emperor Gods Temple

Yesterday, on the 6th day of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival, Cheryl, Kirk and I decided to head down south to Kuala Pilah Nine Emperor Gods Temple (Si Thian Kong -  西天宫) as we found out that the Thai mediums which the temple had invited were going to do their fire crossing that night.

Of course we left for the temple early (3pm) from KL in anticipation that there will be quite some activity late in the evening before the actual fire-crossing ceremony, which usually happens at night.

One for the show...performing for the Nine Emperor Gods.
One for the show...performing for the Nine Emperor Gods.

We managed to catch the opera troupe perform a ritual performance for the Nine Emperor Gods in the evening, before the Thai mediums went into trance and was performing many self-mutilation acts like tongue cutting and hitting their backs or stomach with knives and axes to draw blood to empower talisman for the devotees.

Cutting... Drawing blood for talisman.
Cutting... Drawing blood for talisman.

I believe I can fly!
I Believe I Can Fly!

Spray... When things get too hot to handle!
Spray... When things get too hot to handle!

Run, run across the fire pit!
Run, run across the fire pit.

I will carry you through...
I will carry you through...

But the best part was the fire-crossing ceremony, as this type of fire pit made by burning wood into embers that is typical of Thai mediums is usually very much hotter than the ones done with compressed charcoal bed typical of Chinese temples in Malaysia.

Having crossed this type of fire pit before in Jinjang, I know that speed is essential and that mediums and people crossing it will end up running or literally flying through the hot embers.

At the end of the day, the local folks and Sing Sua Sifu kept us company with food and drinks until the wee hours of the next day, and it was truly an exhausting but fun trip.

It is a wrap...
It is a wrap...

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Faces of Nine Emperor Gods Festival Jinjang - the Priest

The Taoist priest is an indispensable person during the Nine Emperor Gods Festival. Like many Taoist and syncretic Chinese religious festivals, the priest is responsible for all the consecration ceremonies of the ritual space and altar, which is done with the help of his assistants and accompanying musicians.
Despite his age, Mr Lim's movements are still full of energy and his voice always thundering above the cacophony of the drums, cymbals and bells during prayer sessions. If you visit Jinjang Nine Emperor Gods Festival, do try to catch a glimpse of the prayer ceremonies led by him, you will be amazed at his vitality and vocal power.
增江南区北天宫 九皇大帝千秋宝诞道士

Saturday, September 28, 2019

It has begun... the Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2019

The sudden heavy downpour this evening at Ampang, which threatened to make this year's Nine Emperor Gods invitation ceremony a repeat of last year's rain drenched event, did not deter the participating devotees at all. Furthermore many had learnt a lesson from last year's event and thus came prepared with raincoats, ponchos and umbrellas.

Fortunately for them, the sky quickly cleared and by the time the procession was making its way back to the temple through the main road of Ampang old town, it was a clear and breezy evening. With the start of this festival, the usually quiet Ampang New Village is transformed into a hive of activity as devotees and casual visitors from near and far all pour in to see or participate in this festival.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Same same but Different - the Nine Emperor Gods Festival

If you ask me which temple is better to see or shoot Nine Emperor Gods Festival, my reply would be... they are all 'same same but different'. And if you ask me if what has changed over the years that I have followed this festival, my answer would still be... 'same same but different'.

In my opinion, this popular South-east Asian phrase 'Same same but different' very aptly describes this festival.... and here is why I feel it is so:

  • Same same rites and rituals but there are (minor) differences...
  • Same same schedule of event every year, with minor tweaks and additions or omissions...
  • Same same people participate every year, except they are one year older...
  • Same same deity but the invitation timing is different...
  • Same same concept of invitation (from a body of water) but locations are different (river, sea, etc)
  • Same same God that they pray to but rules of who can participate in the festival and/or fire walking is different from temple to temple
  • Same same kind of vegetarian food, but prices are way way different.
  • Same same shots taken... but many different stories can be told from the shots of the festival...

So my advice is... go and enjoy this 'Same same but different' festival and don't fret it if you miss something this year... there is always next year... as it will be... 'Same same but different'

So my countdown to Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2019 posts comes to a close today with this post as tomorrow (28th Sept 2019) will be the eve of this festival... Remember that some temples will carry out the invitation ceremony tomorrow in the evening whilst some do it much closer to midnight... same same but different ya!