Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Sending the Nine Emperor Gods Home - The End of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival at Ampang

As all good things must come to an end, so after nine frantic and energetic days of  trances, vegetarian meals, rituals and prayers the Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2019 comes to an end. Here at Ampang Nine Emperor Gods Temple, the Nine Emperor Gods was sent off at 3.30am in the wee hours of the morning on the tenth day of the festival. Whilst the crowd wasn't as large as the invitation ceremony (probably due to the ungodly hour), the atmosphere was still very much charged with the religious fervour of the festival.

Looking down at the entourage sending the Nine Emperor Gods off at Ampang
So long, farewell... devotees from Ampang Nine Emperor Gods Temple sending the Nine
Emperor Gods off at the end of the festival.

Exhausted and drained, it was a rather solemn and quiet affair as devotees escort the Nine Emperor Gods on the journey back to the river, and with hope and certainty that next year we will meet again...

5 bushel text, tea and yellow ribbon used in Nine Emperor Gods prayer

Dates for Nine Emperor Gods Festival in 2020:

  • Eve of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival - 16th October 2020
  • 1st Day of Nine Emperor Gods Festival - 17th October 2020
  • 9th Day of Nine Emperor Gods Festival - 25th October 2020