Saturday, September 19, 2020

Let's Start With a Trip Down Memory Lane - Countdown to Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2020

The Nine Emperor Gods Festival 2020 is less than a month away, (27 days away to be exact) ... So let's start the countdown to this year's Nine Emperor Gods Festival by looking back at last year's pics in anticipation that this year's festival will be starkly different due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Piercing at Si Thian Kong (西天宫 九皇爷) Nine Emperor Gods festival 2019
Cucuk... (Piercing). Thai mediums at Kuala Pilah Nine Emperor Gods Temple (Si Thian Kong)
undergo piercing for the festival parade in 2019.

See also my previous post - So Near Yet So Far - A Different Nine Emperor Gods Festival for 2020 for a short clip of Jinjang Nine Emperor Gods Festival in 2019.